Besides complaining about my sickness I wanted to say happy fathers day to my wonderful Father. For those of you that don't know I am a huge daddy's girl I always have been I am still and I am 25 years old. My dad is the best (I know everyone says that, but mine really is). He helps us so much with every thing, he is pretty much the smartest person I know, and he is a wonderful grandfather. I love you dad, my life would not be the same without you!
I would like to say happy father's day to my wonderful husband too. He is a wonderful father to both of his kids! He is so fun and playful with the kids and they both love it. He is a big softy and Luke knows that as long as he is with his dad he can pretty much get away with anything. He helps me so much with Addy and he was so good to me when I was pregnant with her and for that I think he deserves father of the year, because putting up with pregnant Ariel was not easy! I love you Shane you are a wonderful father and husband!