Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Baby Update

So we had a doctors appointment yesterday. I was hoping we would have another ultrasound so maybe just maybe we could find out the sex of our baby, but no ultrasound. The doctor went over all the blood tests I have had and everything was normal and I found out my blood type. I am type O-. I was really excited to find this out, don't ask me why I just was. Then the doctor let us listen to our babies heart beat, it was in the 150's and that is normal. So far the baby and I are healthy. We are coming right along. So on September 3rd we have an ultrasound appointment and then we will know if it a boy or a girl. I can't wait!


Jen said...

yay! I'm glad everything is coming along!

Kindra said...

Ariel! You are so cute pregnant! I am way excited for you and glad everything is going well with the both of you. More than anything, I am happy you have type O- blood. lol

Amber said...

Ugh-I can't wait that long! Go to Fetal Photos! I am glad that both you and baby are doing well and are healthy! Fetal Photos, Fetal Photos...I want to shop!

Ariel said...

I keep debating about fetal photos, but I don't know. I might go, but I think I can wait a few weeks.