Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When are things going to start looking up?

I feel as if there is something that is holding me back from being fully happy lately. I have wonderful kids, an amazing husband, a good job, and great parents and brother so why do the bad things that happen over take all that happiness. Blah! I really just want to crawl in a hole until this year is over!! Besides the birth of my wonderful daughter this year has been a royal pain in my rear!!

This morning Shane's work van was stolen from our house and it is so horrible! Why do people have to suck so much? There was so much money worth of tools in that van and now Shane has nothing to drive. Really? Could things possibly get any worse.

I am not a bad person so I ask you world what did I do to deserve all the misfortunes in my life lately? I am not much of a complainer but I just have to let it all out before I explode! Please please let something good happen before I give up on all hope!


Amber said...

Ariel I'm sorry! I love you and hope things get better for you!

Jen said...

I'm sorry Ariel! I know things are going to get better and if you ever need to vent, you know where to find me. :) Love ya!